The club chooses one or two chosen charities each year and raises money and/or volunteers for the charity.

Volunteering with SUNC. 2017-18 Overview
August 31, 2018
The past year has hosted a range opportunities for charity and volunteering within SUNC. Charity Secretary (Holly Crane) has continued her selfless work with charities in and around Sheffield, hosting events, providing help and support to individuals and raising money for some very worthy causes.
Over the past two years, SUNC has raised £6300 for our chosen charities through various events and activities. Holly pioneered SUNC's 'Charity and Volunteering week', which for a consecutive year was a great success. Every member of the club participated in at least one volunteering activity which not only bought the club together and helped individuals/organisations across the city, but provided the club with a notable reputation for dedication to Charity and Volunteering.
Volunteering activities and charity events included:
- Sky Dive
- Sheffield Half Marathon
- Bake sale
- Moustaches for Movember
- 13 mile hike in the Peak District
- 7 hour Shootathon
- Lunch Club for the elderly
- Annual SUNC quiz
- Coaching and Umpiring in local primary schools
- High5 tournament in local primary school
- Food bank collection
- Giving blood

Chosen Charities 2018-19
August 16, 2018
SUNC will be supporting two amazing charities this season, Marie Curie Cancer Care and Mind Sheffield.
Marie Curie Cancer Care provides care and support for people living with terminal illness. Their help includes treating or managing pain and other symptoms with medicine, therapies and other specialist approaches. They also provide emotional support to individuals and their families when they need it most.
Mind Sheffield offers a range of services and support to enable people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. They believe that everyone can do a lot to improve their mental health and promote self help and empowerment as a route to prevention and recovery.

Chosen Charities 2017/18
August 01, 2017
We are very pleased to announce our two chosen charities this year are Within Reach, and the Hospice at Home initiative within Raising Health.
Within Reach is a local charity that funds over 30 Sheffield initiatives that aim to increase access to sport and activity for disabled people. The charity links volunteers with, and offers equipment to initiatives, signposts disabled young people and adults towards activities, and supports the parents of young disabled people.
Hospice at Home supports terminally ill patients in their own homes, ensuring patients can stay with families and ensuring the patient can receive care without having to be transferred to hospitals. This charity was chosen by the club because of its close ties with a SUNC member. Please read the testimonial below to find out why we want to raise money for such an incredible charity.

Get involved in Volunteering with SUNC
July 31, 2017
2016/17 was the biggest year to date for charity and volunteering with SUNC. We raised over £3000 for our chosen charities, Sheffield Mencap and Gateway, and the Jessica Hope Foundation.
In July, Charity and Volunteering Sec Holly Crane (Digger) organized a Wimbledon Sweepstake as our first fundraiser, which the whole club and their extended families got involved in.
We use our ability for physical activity to fundraise; from the Sheffield 10K and half marathon, to Spiderwalk; a thirteen mile hike through the peaks at night. Additionally, we challenged the Rugby League club to a charity training session and match.
In February, we held our first ever Charity and Volunteering Week. This included bucket collections, a bake sale with CoppaFeel, a 12-hour shootathon, and charity social. We also collected sanitary items for a homeless shelter and volunteered at a local farm and lunch club for the elderly.